Hey Jareau - Curious to hear any thoughts you have on the 'MID warming' process (aka getting over the initial hurdle of lower authorization rates when you open a new merchant account).

I've always found it difficult to explain the phenomenon to merchants who are switching PSPs, as there is rarely much a PSP can do to get through the first few weeks with a new MID (to your point about your call with Wells and Vantiv).

Great article - thank you for sharing.

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I haven't executed this practice myself but understand the theory behind it. A PSP that is using distinct MIDs (e.g. a wholesale ISO) could likely arrange a MID warming scheme for their new clients behind the scenes. More challenging for an aggregating PSP to pull off. Thanks for mentioning!

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Are most of these auth rate improvements from the acquirer/merchant perspective? I've worked a lot with issuer and processor side and know that responsibility with auth rates can totally differ based on an issuing or acquiring perspective. Thanks!

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A mix of all entities in the payments system (acquiring processor/bank, network, issuing processor/bank). For example, network tokens are seen as more secure by issuing banks so are often given lower risk scores, leading to higher auth rates. The ML-powered retry logic and dynamic formatting of messages is all on the acquiring side.

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